This year's AGM started with the business. Each executive member gave their yearly report. A print version of the report will be available at the June banquet and in the Library. Next, the membership elected the new executive for next year: President: Rose B Past President: Cynthia M-R Vice President: Maria F-D Treasurer: Gail M-L Secretary: Christine R Website/Blog: Carol V Newsletter: Jill B Library: Julia C & Beth Y Membership: Lorraine S & Karen W Community Outreach: Penny H, Elaine T, Susan VA Thank you's go to Paulette L & Ann R for doing reception and to Cynthia N for the postcard exchange during the past year! Kudos! This year's President's challenge was O Canada. Participants were asked to create a piece that reflected what Canada means to them and it had to have a maple leaf on the front. 15 members participated and the whole membership was asked to choose their favourite by secret ballot and not knowing who did which piece. 1st Place: Lorraine S 2nd Place: Jill B, "Reality Show" 3rd Place: Cynthia N, "Canada, eh?" You can view a slideshow of all the entries with description here. Those that won received gift certificates and a Canada flag pin. All members attending the meeting received a maple leaf pin as a gift from the outgoing president, Cynthia M-R.
I've also got the photos from the Guild Challenge for 2007, the placemats that were donated to Meals on Wheels. You can view them here. I will also put links on the sidebar for future reference. Comments are closed.