This email from Jacquie VMS: Hope your summer is going well! We just returned from a travelling vacation just going wherever we felt like going! We stopped at lots of antique shops, walked along the beaches (I even sat and worked on my embroidery project on the beach in Goderich for a couple hours!). We also managed to stop at a few quilt shops. Here are pictures of two of them. Cobwebs and Caviar in Shelbourne (just north or Orangeville)...very nice shop with great fabrics. Quilter's Line in Markdale Wiarton...can't remember the name of the shop, but it's part of a motel and is just north of town on the main road up to Tobermory, etc. Very nice shop as well and very friendly lady in there. Now that would have been fun! A motel room and then go shopping at the Quilt shop LOL. Unfortunately, we were just on the road, and wanted to go further on that day before getting a motel. We also stopped at the Goderich Quilt shop, but my camera was full so couldn't take a picture there. And, we started off our vacation last week Saturday at Ginny's Premium Quilt Shoppe in Oakville where I went to a Dear Jane gathering for few hours while Jake checked out some antique shops. Unfortunately, Ginny's is closing and everything's being cleared out, so not much to see there anymore, though some great deals! The third picture is of the goodies I picked up at the quilt shops...a little bit here and a little bit there :-). The last two pictures are of a really cool historical plaque commemorating an anniversary of a Women's Institute along the way...can't remember where it was, but you can probably read it on the picture. They had this table set up with a teapot and pastries on a plate, chair ready to sit down! Fun.
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